Call for Nomination: 2025 SIGEnergy Rising Star Award

Brief info: The annual SIGEnergy Rising Star Award recognizes a young researcher who has made outstanding research contributions to the field of energy systems and informatics, within nine years of receiving her/his highest university degree. Depth, impact, and novelty of the researcher’s contributions will be key evaluation criteria.

Remark: At the discretion of the award committee, eligibility may be adjusted to account for documented career interruptions, including but not limited to medical leaves, family leaves, and military service. Questions of eligibility should be directed to the award chair in advance of nomination. The ultimate decision of whether an interruption is acceptable is subject to the award committee.


Next deadline: November 30, 2024, AoE (nominees should receive their PhD degrees after Jan. 1 2016 to be eligible)

Submission site:  (Note: Please combine all nomination material into one pdf file for submission to the HotCRP system, with a title of “SRSA Nomination Package for <name>”.)


Award Criterion

The annual SIGEnergy Rising Star Award recognizes a young researcher who has made outstanding research contributions to the field of energy systems and informatics, within nine years of receiving her/his highest university degree. Selection is based on the impact of the nominee’s work in creating promising new ideas, paradigms, and tools, related to energy systems and informatics. Depth, impact, and novelty of the researcher’s contributions will be key criteria upon which the SIGEnergy Rising Star Award Committee evaluates the nominations. We also expect the nominees to comply with ACM Code of Ethics ( 


Nomination Process

The nominator should solicit recommendations from colleagues in the field who are most familiar with the nominee’s achievements. An individual may nominate, or endorse, multiple nominees; self-nominations are not allowed. Unsuccessful nominations will not be retained but can be resubmitted. Per ACM policy, no award committee member may serve as a nominator or endorser.


Nomination Package (in English)

  1. Basic information of the nominator, including name, phone number, organization, job title, and email address.
  2. Curriculum vitae of the nominee, including name, phone number, email address, educational background, professional background, publications, patents, and honours.
  3. A concise citation (20 words or less) naming the most important contribution of the nominee in energy systems and informatics. Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, or technical jargon that may not be obvious to committee members.
  4. A statement, no more than 500 words long (excluding references), on why the nominee deserves the award. The statement should confirm that the nominee meets the criterion: “within 9 years of receiving her/his highest university degree.” The statement should highlight the nominee’s most significant contributions to the field of energy systems and informatics.
  5. Supporting letters from three endorsers. Each endorser should identify the rationale for the nomination and by what means they know of the nominee’s work. Endorsement letters may be sent in the form of emails to [email protected] and should be no more than 400 words. 
  6. The nominator and endorsers are required to indicate whether they are aware of any action committed by the nominee that violates the ACM Code of Ethics ( The nominee is also required to check the ACM Code of Ethics and submit a confirmation of no violation with signature when applicable. 
  7. The nominator is required to state clearly the contributions and involvements of the nominee to the SIGEnergy community. 


Award Committee (alphabetical order in last names except the chair)

Omid Ardakanian (past winner; University of Alberta)
Rajesh Gupta (University of California San Diego)
Steven Low (Caltech)
Astrid Nieße (University of Oldenburg)
Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Minghua Chen (chair, City University of Hong Kong)

Please direct questions to Award Chair Minghua Chen ([email protected]).