Camera-Ready Instructions

Please follow these instructions when preparing your camera-ready manuscript at ACM e-Energy 2020.

Conference papers: The deadline for the upload of your camera-ready PDF is 23:59 PM Pacific time, May 18th, 2020. Please use the HotCRP submission website ( to upload your camera-ready manuscript.

Workshop papers: The deadline for the upload of your camera-ready PDF is 23:59 PM Pacific time, May 28th, 2020. Please use your respective workshop’s HotCRP submission website to upload your camera-ready manuscript.

In order for the paper to be included in the final proceeding, at least one author of each paper must register to attend the conference prior to uploading the camera-ready version of the paper. The registration is now open.

Once the registration is completed, please submit the information to the Google form to confirm the registration with paper number, paper title, and the registered author. This will be used to verify the name of the author who is registered for each paper.

General Instructions for all Papers

Please follow these instructions when preparing your camera-ready manuscript - these apply to all proceedings.

  1. Use the ACM templates from: Modifications to the ACM templates are not allowed. The final PDF will be checked for consistency with these templates. Non-compliance may result in your publication getting rejected.
  2. Please complete the ACM eRights agreement as soon as possible. Note that ACM will use its automated system to email this information to the authors. Please set your email spam settings to allow messages from [email protected].
  3. The rights and permissions information and bibliographic strip (your paper’s DOI and e-Energy’s ISBN) must appear on the lower left hand portion of the first page, following the instructions you have received from ACM after filling out the e-Rights form via the ACM rights-management tool on the HotCRP page of the paper.
  4. Choose the appropriate ACM CCS concepts or categories from this website: Specifically, you need to assign the CCS concepts, then click on “Generate CCS Codes” and copy the Tex code to your Latex for your camera-ready paper. You can also find the instructions at
  5. The paper limits for camera-ready papers are the same as the submission requirements.
  6. Page numbers should not appear in the camera ready PDF.
  7. Use the following convention for header information (top left corner of paper):
    1. Authors of papers with less than 3 authors should use the “<first name> <middle name> <last name>” convention in the header information.
    2. Authors of papers with more than 3 authors should either use the “<abbreviated first name> <abbreviated middle name> <last name>” or “<last name> et al” convention in the header information.
  8. Submit all the source files, ACM CCS concepts (the CCS XML codes that were generated in step 3, not the CCS Tex code), references, and the camera-ready PDF through HotCRP.

General Instructions for Conference Papers

Authors of accepted papers, please follow the instructions on recording a presentation.

Instructions for Workshop Papers

Use the following convention in LaTeX for the title: \title[e-Energy’20 <workshop-acronym>]{<paper-title>}

Instructions for Poster/Demo Papers

Please ensure that the title of accepted papers is as follows: “Poster: <title>” or “Demo: <title>”, respectively.

If you have questions regarding the camera-ready submission, please contact Dr. Sue Ann Chen, [email protected].


Association for Computing Machinery ACM EIG Energy
The ACM e-Energy 2020 Website by ACM SIGCOMM 2012 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Source code is available at