
ACM e-Energy 2020 will have an exciting spread of workshops. We invite everyone to consider attending workshops! The workshops, dates, and websites are listed below.

Date: Friday, June 26, 2020

Challenges and Opportunities in the Design and Operation of Energy Storage Systems

1st International Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in the Design and Operation of Energy Storage Systems

Abstract: Recent years have seen exponential growth in the deployment of energy storage systems, at both the large scale and small scale. However, energy storage remains expensive and must be designed and operated carefully to provide attractive economic returns. Almost all energy storage systems need to be used for multiple different purposes to justify their investment, introducing a need for accurate forecasting and optimal operation. As a result, the operation of energy storage systems also needs to take into account the inherent uncertainty in the quantities involved — renewable generation, energy demand, market price, and weather, for example. Many important research problems have not been fully explored, and significant opportunities still exist to improve the design and control of energy storage systems.

Paper registration and submission deadline: April 30th, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 21st, 2020
Camera ready submission due: May 28th, 2020

Submission: We invite submissions of up to 6 pages in length (not including references), formatted using standard 9-point ACM double-column format (sigconf proceedings template), single-blind. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website.

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information (e.g., scope, submission instructions, and workshop schedule) on the Workshop Website:

Workshop on Energy Efficiency at the Edge (WEEE)

1st International Workshop on Energy Efficiency at the Edge (WEEE)

Abstract: The last decade has witnessed a rapid evolution of IT infrastructures. With the fast development of new communication technologies such as 5G, LoRa, or LiFi, cloud computing is now evolving into yet another new paradigm called edge computing, providing better support for emerging applications, especially in the Internet-of-Things regime. With the increase of the scale of the IT infrastructure, energy efficiency becomes very relevant and calls for attention. In fact, while there is relevant literature in the study of energy efficiency in cloud and data centers, there is very limited work on the energy impact of edge computing and systems (both in isolation and integrated with clouds). Many energy efficiency related research problems exist and will become a major obstacle to the development of future computing and communication systems involving the edge. Therefore, the proposed workshop aims to bring together academic r esearchers, industry practitioners, and individuals working on related areas to share their research ideas, views, latest findings, and state-of-the-art research results.

Paper registration and submission deadline: April 30th, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 21st, 2020
Camera ready submission due: May 28th, 2020

Submission: We invite submissions of up to 6 pages in length (including references), formatted using standard 9-point ACM double-column format (sigconf proceedings template), single-blind. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website.

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information on the Workshop Website

EnergyVis: Visualizing Energy Resilient Cities

3rd International Workshop on Urban Data Visualization

Abstract: The energy sector is seeing substantial technological and analytical enhancements enabling the delivery of smart systems via sensors, monitors and other digital technologies as well as improvements to predictions, forecasts and models throughout the industry. This emerging data is not only growing in volume, but in its complexity. This complexity increases as we draw connections with other urban infrastructures and incorporate populations. Visualization and visual analytics offer a vast array of opportunities for the energy domain and we are seeing a new era of ‘Energy Data Visualization’ emerging as a key topic of growing importance. With this workshop, we aim to bring together scientists, researchers and practitioners from the energy field to discuss the many challenges and goals in regard to Urban Data Visualization, with a specific focus on Energy Resilient Cities. This workshop, continues a successful international series focusing on Urban Data Visualization. The first focusing specifically on the energy sector. We see this workshop as the first of many in starting a new and vibrant community of those interested in tackling the many data visualisation challenges facing this domain.

Paper registration and submission deadline: April 30th, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 21st, 2020
Camera ready submission due: May 28th, 2020

We invite submissions of up to 4 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (sigconf proceedings template), unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, double-blind. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website . Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to register and present the paper at the workshop. Please submit papers to: .

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information (e.g., scope, submission instructions, and workshop schedule) on the Workshop Website:

Applied Machine Learning for Intelligent Energy Systems (AMLIES)

2nd International Workshop on Applied Machine Learning for Intelligent Energy Systems (AMLIES) 2020

Abstract: The capacities of societal-scale infrastructures such as power grids, smart buildings, transportation and other energy systems are rapidly increasing, leading to Cyber-Physical Systems that can deliver human-centric values and energy services while enhancing efficiency and resilience. Technological advancements in sensing, learning, control and optimization hold enormous capacity to deliver intelligent energy systems of the future that are empowered to address pressing societal issues such as energy crisis, climate change and environmental pollution. There has been an increasing interest to use Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) in diverse energy systems including smart buildings, power systems, transportation systems etc., to drive applications related to modelling, control, fault and anomaly detection and optimization of energy, space and cost amongst others. This has led to improved energy efficiency, occupant comfort and productivity in smart buildings and enhanced system robustness and resilience in power systems. However, the application of machine learning to these energy systems has also opened up new research challenges. To perform optimally, these algorithms require substantial amount of labelled training data. Collection and labelling of the data in complex systems such as power grids and buildings with complicated energy usage behaviors require considerable amount of expert knowledge and is often prone to security and privacy issues. Efficiently using the available energy data for inference, decision and control can prove beneficial in this scenario. Another challenge is the lack of direct measurements for important drivers of energy consumption, such as occupancy. Data from opportunistic sources (such as images or communication network data) can be adopted to overcome this challenge. This workshop seeks to bring together researchers to discuss such underlying challenges related to the application of Machine Learning to Energy Systems, including smart buildings, smart grid and transportation systems and to present proposed and ongoing work to address them.

Paper registration and submission deadline: April 30th, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 21st, 2020
Camera ready submission due: May 28th, 2020

Two types of contributions are solicited:

  • Full papers, up to 8 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (excluding references) and unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
  • Short papers, up to 4 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (excluding references) and unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website.

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information on the Workshop Website:

Energy-Efficient Data Centres (E2DC2020)

8th International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Data Centres (E2DC2020)

Abstract: The main goal of the E2DC workshop is to study innovative methods to improve efficiency and sustainability of data centres - important and ever growing group of energy consumers. Importantly, E2DC concentrates on a broader context of data centre ecosystem by investigation of interactions with smart cities and smart grids. Hence, the workshop discusses topics such as the use of renewable energy, optimisation of cooling and heat re-use, demand response techniques, federation of distributed data centres and many more. At E2DC 2020, we would like to discuss how emerging AI technologies can help in improvements of DCs efficiency, reliability, and their interaction with external dynamically growing systems such as smart cities, smart grids, heat re-use networks, renewable energy sources, and edge computing systems.

Paper registration and submission deadline: April 30th, 2020
Notification of acceptance: May 21st, 2020
Camera ready submission due: May 28th, 2020

We invite submissions of up to 8 pages in length, formatted using standard 9-point ACM double-column format (sigconf proceedings template), single-blind. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website.

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information (e.g., scope, submission instructions, and workshop schedule) on the Workshop Website:


Association for Computing Machinery ACM EIG Energy
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