
Registration for ACM e-Energy 2022 is now open.
Register Now

Pricing Table - all prices are in USD

ACM Member Non-ACM Member
Paper Author (i.e. paper processing fee) $100 $125
Attendee $10

Notes for Attendees

  • Registration is required even if complimentary. We will only send conference attendance information to registered users.
  • There is no cancellation on registration.
  • You are welcome to join ACM SIGEnergy here: You will enjoy complimentary registration if you are an ACM SIGEnergy member. Please tick ACM SIGEnergy member during the registration process. Join ACM SIGEnergy before June 20th 2022 using the same email address of your registration. We will send you the conference attendance information.
  • We will have two physical hubs: Oldenburg, Germany and Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. Information about the hubs can be found in the conference website. If you have a plan to travel to any of these two hubs, please tick Hubs during registration.
Notes for Authors:
  • One author of every accepted paper (including posters and workshop papers) must register using the paper author rate (ACM Member or Non-Member).


Association for Computing Machinery ACM SIGEnergy


Akamai Huawei Jiangxing AI Beijing Distributed System Technology Co., Ltd
The ACM e-Energy 2022 Website by ACM SIGCOMM 2012 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Source code is available at