
ACM e-Energy 2022 will have an exciting spread of workshops. We invite everyone to consider attending workshops! The workshops, dates, and websites are listed below.

A unified workshop schedule is available for download here.

Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Applied Machine Learning for Intelligent Energy Systems (AMLIES)

4th International Workshop on Applied Machine Learning for Intelligent Energy Systems (AMLIES) 2022

Abstract: The capacities of societal-scale infrastructures such as power grids, smart buildings, transportation, and other energy systems are rapidly increasing, leading to Cyber-Physical Systems that can deliver human-centric values and energy services while enhancing efficiency and resilience. Technological advancements in sensing, learning, control, and optimization hold the enormous capacity to deliver intelligent energy systems of the future that are empowered to address pressing societal issues such as energy crisis, climate change, and environmental pollution. There has been an increasing interest to use Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) in diverse energy systems including smart buildings, power systems, transportation systems, etc., to drive applications related to modeling, control, fault, and anomaly detection and optimization of energy, space, and cost amongst others. This has led to improved energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and productivity in smart buildings and enhanced system robustness and resilience in power systems. However, the application of machine learning to these energy systems has also opened up new research challenges. To perform optimally, these algorithms require a substantial amount of labeled training data. Collection and labeling of the data in complex systems such as power grids and buildings with complicated energy usage behaviors require a considerable amount of expert knowledge and is often prone to security and privacy issues. Efficiently using the available energy data for inference, decision and control can prove beneficial in this scenario. Another challenge is the lack of direct measurements for important drivers of energy consumption, such as occupancy. Data from opportunistic sources (such as images or communication network data) can be adopted to overcome this challenge. This workshop seeks to bring together researchers to discuss such underlying challenges related to the application of Machine Learning to Energy Systems, including smart buildings, smart grid, and transportation systems, and to present proposed and ongoing work to address them.

Paper submission deadline: April 11, 2022
Author notification: May 11, 2022
Camera ready submission: May 24, 2022

Two types of contributions are solicited:

  • Full papers, up to 8 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (excluding references) and an unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
  • Short papers, up to 4 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (excluding references) and an unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website.

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information (e.g., scope, submission instructions, and workshop schedule) on the workshop website:

Energy-Efficient Data Centres (E2DC2022)

10th International Workshop on Energy-Efficient Data Centres (E2DC2022)

Abstract: The main goal of the E2DC workshop is to study innovative methods to improve efficiency and sustainability of data centres - important and ever growing group of energy consumers. Importantly, E2DC concentrates on a broader context of data centre ecosystem by investigation of interactions with smart cities and smart grids. Hence, the workshop discusses topics such as the use of renewable energy, optimisation of cooling and heat re-use, demand response techniques, federation of distributed data centres and many more. At E2DC 2022, we would like to discuss how emerging AI technologies can help in improvements of DCs efficiency, reliability, and their interaction with external dynamically growing systems such as smart cities, smart grids, heat re-use networks, renewable energy sources, and edge computing systems.

Submission of papers: April 25th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: May 9th, 2022
Camera-ready submission: May 26, 2022

We invite submissions of up to 8 pages in length (or 4-pages for short/position papers), formatted using standard 9-point ACM double-column format (sigconf proceedings template), single-blind. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website.

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information (e.g., scope, submission instructions, and workshop schedule) on the Workshop Website:

Workshop on Energy Data and Analytics (EDA)

The 3rd International Workshop on Energy Data and Analytics (EDA)

Abstract: The design of future energy systems that are efficient, ecologically friendly, robust and scalable is a core concern of our societies. Another very relevant development in recent years is the one towards a data-driven perspective on system design. In the context of energy systems, a broad variety of data, often huge in volume, is available. For instance, each smart meter is generating data streams, which often are recorded and archived. The questions how such data can be captured and processed, and what can be learned from it are fundamentally important. This includes predictions of various kinds of supply and demand, predictive maintenance of energy infrastructures, the processing of energy-consumption data in a way that respects the privacy of the individuals involved as well as business secrets etc.

Submission Deadline: April 11, 2022
Author Notification: May 11, 2022
Camera-ready submission: May 26, 2022

We solicit the following two types of contributions:

  • Full papers, up to 8 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (i.e., excluding references) and unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
  • Short papers, up to 4 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format (i.e., excluding references) and unlimited number of pages for appendices and references, single-blind.
All submissions should be formatted using the standard 9-point ACM double-column format (sigconf proceedings template), single-blind. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website.

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information (e.g., scope, submission instructions, and workshop schedule) on the EDA Workshop Website:

Workshop on Energy, Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (EnergyDLT)

Workshop on Energy, Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (EnergyDLT)

Abstract: Blockchain and DLT are a disruptive paradigm to enable trustless decentralized verifiable applications. There are an increasing number of applications of blockchain technology to energy systems. For example, micro-payment for peer-to-peer EV charging, microgrid exchange and wholesale energy markets, renewable energy credits and emissions trading, and energy resource sharing and management. Besides their popularity, blockchain platforms (particularly, Bitcoin) suffer from significant energy consumption (overtaking all other areas in the IT sector). In this workshop, we aim to explore the potential applications of blockchain and DLT to energy systems, as well as to address its energy efficiency issue. This workshop will feature keynote speakers: Zhao Yang Dong (NTU), Ümit Cali (NTNU), Srinivasan Keshav (Univ. Cambridge). There will also be panel discussions of hot topics, such as “Shall we ban Proof-of-Work?”, “Is DLT a practical solution for the energy sector?”

Contact: For any questions, please contact one of the organisers:

Website: Please find more information (e.g., scope, submission instructions, and workshop schedule) on the Workshop Website:

Workshop on Society, Climate, and Sustainability (WeCan)

2nd ACM SIGEnergy Workshop on Society, Climate, and Sustainability (SIGEnegy WeCan)

Abstract: Climate change caused by global warming has set off negative environmental consequences, putting risks at the species inhabiting the planet including human beings. Fighting climate change has been recognized as a pressing issue of sustainable development. Meanwhile, it is a social issue too. A working climate action plan must consider the need of diverse groups and address issues of inequality on many levels, e.g., between the wealthy and the poor and between generations. The workshop aims to provide a vibrant venue for researchers within and outside the ACM SIGEnergy community to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the intersection of climate change, sustainability, and society. While issues within each of the three areas are of great interest on their own, we believe it is essential to look at the dynamic interplay among the three disciplines.

Intended audience: students, faculty members, researchers, engineers, and anyone interested in challenges and opportunities within and across Climate, Sustainability, and Society.


Hello SIGEnegy WeCan22 attendees, welcome to the technical program for the workshop..!!!

We are happy to have a very compelling program that features a mix of talks from prominent researchers in academia, leading experts from industry, and policy experts with experience of facilitating energy transition efforts at city scale. We thank the speakers for submitting their work and accepting our invitation to deliver talks at the workshop.

Logistics: Each talk is alloted 25 minutes, split across 15-20 minutes talk by the speaker followed by 5-10 minutes Q&A from the audience. All the talks will be recorded and shared after the workshop. All the times are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT, GMT-4). Please find a time conversion chart at the end of this page.

Virtual Lobby (08:30am - 08:50am, EDT)

Feeling excited for the talks? Want to test the zoom/video/audio? Any questions for the organizers?
Come and hang out with us before the opening address.

Opening Address (08:50am - 09:00am)

Minghua Chen (City University of Hong Kong) and Noman Bashir (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Session Ⅰ: Computing for Sustainability (09:00am - 09:50am)
Break + Networking (09:50am - 10:00am)

Session Ⅱ: Sustainable Energy Systems (10:00am - 11:10am)
Break (11:10am - 11:15am)

Session Ⅲ: Data Analytics for Sustainability (11:15am - 12:30pm)
  • Remote Sensing of Energy Systems: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities
  • Opportunities for Energy Data Analytics to Enable Sustainable Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
    • Jay Taneja (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Creating Sustainable, Data-driven Buildings Using Sense, Act, and Scale Framework
Lunch Break + Networking (12:30pm - 01:00pm)

Bring your breakfast/lunch/dinner over zoom.

Session Ⅳ: Sustainable Computing (01:00pm - 01:50pm)
  • A Holistic Approach for Datacenter Sustainability
  • Breaking the Barriers of Stranded Energy through Multi-cloud and Federated Data Centers
Break + Networking (01:50pm - 02:00pm)

Session Ⅴ: Leadership and Communication (02:00pm - 02:50pm)
  • Seeing Like a City: How a Greater Understanding of City Hall Builds Stronger Academic Partnerships
  • Telling the Story of Climate, Sustainability, and Modern Computing to the General Public
Break + Networking (02:50pm - 03:00pm)

Brainstorming Session with the Audience (03:00pm - 03:50pm)

An open, vibrant conversation between all of the attendees. Panelists include Minghua Chen and David Irwin. Moderated by Noman Bashir.

Concluding Remarks (03:50pm - 04:00pm)

Time Conversion Table

Please find the time conversion table consisting of all the timezones where our speakers are located at.