ACM e-Energy 2024 Call for Papers

The paper submission site is:

ACM e-Energy is the premier forum for research at the intersection of computing and communication technologies with energy systems. It has established a strong track record for high-quality research in the application of computing and networked systems to make legacy systems more energy-efficient and in the design, analysis, and development of sustainable and innovative energy systems. The 15th ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy 2024) and its co-located tutorials and workshops will be held in Singapore during June 4-7, 2024. By bringing together researchers in a single-track conference designed to offer significant opportunities for personal interaction, it is a major forum for shaping the future of this area.

We seek high-quality papers at the intersection of computing and communication technologies with smart and sustainable energy systems. We welcome submissions describing conceptual advances, as well as advances in system design, implementation, and experimentation, and we explicitly welcome inter- or transdisciplinary work. ACM e-Energy is committed to a fair, timely, and thorough review process with sound and detailed feedback.

Relevant topics for ACM e-Energy include, but are not limited to the following:

  • AI/ML and data analytics, e.g. for tackling climate impact of energy systems
  • Algorithmic approaches to energy system problems
  • Applications of cyber-physical systems and Internet-of-Things (IoT) to smart energy systems
  • Modelling and analysis of multimodal and cross-sectoral energy systems
  • Automation and control of smart grids
  • Demand-side management, including innovative pricing and incentive design
  • Distributed ledger systems for energy systems
  • Economics and business models for smart energy systems, including aggregators and prosumers
  • Electricity market and electricity supply chain measurement, modeling, and analysis
  • Electric vehicles and energy-efficient transportation systems
  • Distributed energy resources, including energy storage and renewable resources
  • Energy-efficient computing and communication, including data centers
  • Design and operation of low-carbon and sustainable energy systems
  • Measurement and accounting of greenhouse gas emissions arising from the energy sector
  • Microgrid and distributed generation management and control
  • Modeling and understanding user behavior in energy systems
  • Sizing, monitoring, and control of energy systems for smart grids, smart buildings, and smart cities
  • Privacy, cybersecurity, and resiliency of smart grid infrastructure

Authors unsure about topical fit are welcome to contact the program committee co-chairs.

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference).

General Chairs
Rui Tan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Yonggang Wen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Program Chairs
Andrew A Chien (University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Anke Weidlich (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany)
Veit Hagenmeyer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)

Important Dates

  • Fall deadline (1st deadline)
  • September 22nd, 2023, 23:59 AoE (firm)

    Abstract registration

  • September 29th, 2023, 23:59 AoE (firm)

    Paper submission

  • November 10th, 2023

    Author notification

  • December 1st, 2023, 23:59 AoE

    Revision submission

  • December 15th, 2023

    Revision notification

  • December 22nd, 2023, 23:59 AoE

    Formal copyright registration

  • January 13th, 2024, 23:59 AoE

    Final version in ACM TAPS

  • Winter deadline (2nd deadline)
  • January 26th, 2024, 23:59 AoE (firm)

    Abstract registration

  • February 2nd, 2024, 23:59 AoE (firm)

    Paper submission

  • March 15th, 2024

    Author notification

  • April 5th, 2024, 23:59 AoE

    Revision submission

  • April 26th, 2024

    Revision notification

  • May 3rd, 2024, 23:59 AoE

    Final version in ACM TAPS


Details will be announced shortly. Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.

Full Paper Submissions

Full papers, up to 10 pages in 9-point ACM double-column format, excluding references and appendices, should present original theoretical and/or experimental research in any of the areas listed above that has not been published, accepted for publication, or under review by another workshop, conference, or journal. The length of the appendix is not constrained; however, it may only be used for the purpose of justifying the technical correctness of their claims stated in the body of the paper, e.g., a subset of the proofs or additional experimental validation. Full paper submissions may also be considered for acceptance as Notes papers by the program committee as appropriate. Paper review will follow a standard double-blind policy. Thus, papers need to be anonymized appropriately.

A full paper submission may extend the author’s previous extended abstract or workshop paper, provided those extensions are substantial. In such cases, authors should (i) acknowledge their own previous workshop publications with an anonymous citation and (ii) explain the differences between the e-Energy submission and the prior workshop paper.

Notes Paper Submissions

Notes papers, up to 4 pages in 9-point ACM double-column excluding references and appendices, are intended to discuss preliminary research results, advocate new research directions, or present industrial projects. Notes will be reviewed based on the novelty of their ideas, potential for impact, and quality of presentation. Paper review will follow a double-blind policy. Thus, papers need to be anonymized appropriately.


The submission must be in PDF format and be formatted according to the official ACM Proceedings format. Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website. Please use the template “sigconf”. The authors are recommended to use the “anonymous” option of the LaTeX acmart class to anonymize the submission.

Review Process

e-Energy has two submission deadlines, one in fall (September 22nd, 2023) and the other in spring (February 2nd, 2024), and two partial conference proceedings. Papers accepted in the first round will appear in the conference proceedings published by the ACM Digital Library shortly after the first submission camera-ready deadline. Papers rejected from the first submission are welcome to resubmit in the second submission. Resubmitted papers should include a cover letter addressing reviewers’ feedback from the first submission. Papers accepted after the second submission will be included in the second part of the proceedings published soon after the second camera-ready deadline. Accepted papers from both rounds are required to be presented at the conference in June 2024. For any questions regarding the new two submission deadline model, please contact the TPC chairs.

For each submission deadline, there is a revision phase as part of the review process for full paper submissions. (Notes Paper submissions will not participate in the revision phase and will receive a direct Accept/Reject decision.) The addition of a revision phase means that the review process for each submission deadline has two phases. In the first phase of reviewing, papers will have three possible outcomes: Accept, Reject, Revise-&-Resubmit. Papers that receive a Revise-&-Resubmit decision are then eligible to resubmit the paper to the Revision phase by the revision submission deadline. In some cases, for a full paper that has been ranked Revise-&-Resubmit, the authors may be invited to resubmit as a Notes paper, rather than as a Full paper.

Full paper revisions will be allowed one additional page in order to incorporate changes to address reviewer comments. Additionally, revisions must include an author response to the reviews in the appendix of the revised paper. The revision process is intended to be a constructive partnership between reviewers and authors and, as such, reviewers will be instructed to emphasize specific requests for issues to be addressed during the revision. Common revision requests can include justification of a crucial assumption, improved realism in experiments, clearing up notation, more clearly presenting a proof, or better comparison to previous work. Note that acceptance of revisions is not guaranteed, and revised papers will be reviewed again by the same reviewers to determine if the issues raised by the reviewers have been appropriately addressed. The outcome of the revision phase will be either Accept or Reject. If a revised paper is accepted, the author response to the reviews shall be excluded from the final version of the paper.

Policies and Guidelines

In an effort to increase paper quality, equity, and better bridge the interdisciplinary communities that participate in e-Energy, the conference is practicing a paper review procedure that includes a “revise-&-resubmit” two-phase review process. This process is designed to improve the quality of published papers at e-Energy by allowing authors and reviewers to collaborate on improving the paper in terms of both technical content and presentation during the reviewing process. This ensures that e-Energy publications are journal-level quality. This process is also designed to ensure informed decision making by the reviewers. Many conferences have begun to add rebuttal phases to the review process with the goal of ensuring authors can clarify issues raised by reviewers. However, the reviewers are still forced to speculate how requested changes could be implemented in the paper. A revision process ensures that reviewers evaluate the implementation of the changes and, as such, make informed final decisions about acceptance.

This two-phase process is introduced to e-Energy from 2022, so we expect authors to have some questions about the process. Common questions we have received are summarized below.

  • What kind of papers are good candidates for revision? The target papers for revisions are exciting papers with flaws that prevent immediate acceptance. These could be flaws in presentation that can be addressed in a revision, papers where improved justification of assumptions is needed, papers with technical issues in derivations that are potentially fixable, papers with experimental results that need to be expanded, etc.
  • Could revisions be rejected in the second round? Yes, we expect that not all revisions will be accepted after the revision phase. It is hard to predict the percentages, but a decision of revise-&-resubmit is not a guarantee of acceptance. It should be viewed as an opportunity to improve the paper so that it can be reevaluated by the reviewers.
  • Will authors prepare a response to submit with the revision? Yes, all revisions should include a full authors response to the reviews as an appendix.
  • Will revisions be reviewed by the same reviewers? Yes, the goal is to have revisions be reviewed by the original reviewers. In exceptional cases, an additional expert review may also be requested.

Anonymity guidelines: The review process is double-blind, meaning that authors should make a good faith effort to anonymize papers. As an author, you should not identify yourself in the paper either explicitly or by implication (e.g., through the references or acknowledgments). However, only non-destructive anonymization is required. For example, system names may be left un-anonymized, if the system name is important for a reviewer to be able to evaluate the work. Specifically, please take the following steps when preparing your submission:

  • Remove authors’ names and affiliations from the title page.
  • Remove acknowledgment of identifying names and funding sources.
  • Use care in naming your files. Source file names, e.g., Joe.Smith.dvi, are often embedded in the final output as readily accessible comments.
  • Use care in referring to related work, particularly your own. Do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer unable to grasp the context. Instead, a good solution is to reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work.
  • If you need to reference another submission at ACM e-Energy 2024 on a related topic, reference it as follows: “A related paper describes the design and implementation of our system [Anonymous 2024].” with the corresponding citation: “[Anonymous 2024] Under submission. Details omitted for double-blind reviewing.”
  • If you cite anonymous work, you should also send the deanonymized reference(s) to the PC chairs in a separate email.
  • Publication of a pre-submission version of the submission on your personal website, institutional archive, or the arXiv is allowed. We encourage the authors to do so as far away as possible from the submission deadline, as potential reviewers may be automatically notified (e.g., if subscribed to receive updates on recently posted papers). In addition, authors should take care not to widely broadcast information about their arXiv submission, for example, on social media forums or a general press release or large mailing lists where PC members in the recipient list or audience can easily identify the authors.
  • PC members and other reviewers are expected to not actively attempt to deanonymize papers. In either case, if there is a breach of double-blind reviewing, the author and the reviewer should report it to the PC chairs.
  • For accepted papers, it is expected that the list of authors will not change between the last submission and the final camera-ready copy.

Simultaneous submissions: It is ACM policy not to allow simultaneous submissions, where the same paper is concurrently submitted to more than one conference/journal. Any simultaneous submissions detected will be immediately rejected from all conferences/journals involved, and the authors may be blacklisted if multiple such violations are detected, including across conference editions.

Non-disclosure agreements: Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will not be considered. All submissions will be treated as confidential prior to publication. Rejected submissions will be permanently treated as confidential.

Ethical considerations: Papers describing experiments with users or user data (e.g., network traffic, passwords, social network information), should follow the basic principles of ethical research, e.g., beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the individual), minimal risk (appropriateness of the risk versus benefit ratio), voluntary consent, respect for privacy, and limited deception. When appropriate, authors are encouraged to include a subsection describing these issues. Authors may want to consult the Menlo Report for further information on ethical principles, or the Allman/Paxson IMC ‘07 paper for guidance on ethical data sharing.

Authors must, as part of the submission process, attest that their work complies with all applicable ethical standards of their home institution(s), including but not limited to privacy policies and policies on experiments involving humans. Note that submitting research for approval by one’s institution’s ethics review body is necessary, but not sufficient—in cases where the PC has concerns about the ethics of the work in a submission, the PC will have its own discussion of the ethics of that work. The PC’s review process may examine the ethical soundness of the paper just as it examines the technical soundness.

By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy. Relevant policies regarding the publication and review processes include ACM’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and policies (i) on the roles and responsibilities in ACM publishing, (ii) on the coercion and abuse in the ACM publications process, and on plagiarism, misrepresentation, and falsification.

Diversity and inclusiveness: SIGEnergy is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. We welcome all individuals, regardless of age, gender, gender identity, race, religion, and geographical origin. We particularly encourage submissions and participation from first-timers, women, and under-represented groups. All SIGEnergy events, either conventional, hybrid or virtually held, and communications must abide by ACM policies, including the policy against discrimination and harassment.

Accessibility guidelines: Color and hearing perception varies from person to person depending on age, color blindness, distance, visual acuity, etc. Make sure that the contents of your paper are accessible to all, by considering the following:

  • Use patterns, symbols, and textures to emphasize and contrast visual elements in graphs and figures, rather than using colors alone. Graphs should be readable either in monochrome or colour versions.
  • Use a color palette that is designed for visually-impaired or color-blind people. Avoid poor color combinations such as green/red or blue/purple.


Association for Computing Machinery ACM SIGEnergy


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