Poster/Demo Submissions

The 15th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy’24) solicits submissions of posters and demos demonstrating working prototypes/proofs-of-concept and/or reflecting ongoing research progress. We welcome submissions in broadly defined areas of interest (but not limited to), which are also some of the research topics of the main conference:

  • Applications of Cyber-Physical Systems and industrial Internet-of-Things to smart energy systems
  • Electric vehicles and energy-efficient transportation systems
  • Modeling and understanding the user behavior of energy systems enabled by computing and communication technologies
  • Monitoring and control of energy systems for smart grids, smart buildings, and smart cities
  • Data analytics tools for modelling and analysis
  • Energy-efficient computing and communication, including in data centers
  • Demand-side management, including innovative pricing, incentive design
  • Distributed energy resources, including energy storage systems for households and communities
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques for forecasting of generation and demand
  • Privacy, cybersecurity, and resiliency of smart grid infrastructure

Student participation will have an essential importance for the Posters and Demos session. We explicitly encourage the submission of posters/demos presenting revolutionary concepts, ongoing research prototypes/PoCs, such that each contribution is from one or more students. Industry participation is also encouraged. The session will be organized in the form of a live forum, where the participants will have the chance to present their work and receive early and relevant feedback from international leading experts attending the conference.

To encourage poster/demo presentations, a full (i.e., non-student) conference registration can cover a main conference paper and a demo/poster abstract. For student presenters without a main conference paper, a student conference registration can cover a demo/poster abstract.

The submission of abstracts must be in PDF format (need not be double blind), not exceeding 2 pages, and be formatted according to the official ACM Proceedings format (Word and LaTeX templates are available on the ACM Publications Website). Papers that do not meet the size and formatting requirements may not be reviewed. All accepted Poster/Demo abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.

Subimission site:

PDF version of Poster/Demo Call For Papers is available HERE.

Important Dates

  • April 14, 2024

    Submission deadline

  • April 24, 2024


  • May 3, 2024

    Camera-ready due



Association for Computing Machinery ACM SIGEnergy


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