Workshop Program
For the conference program, please refer to this link.
Venue information:
- Workshops: EnergySP (Level 4, Canary 1), E2DC (Level 4, Canary 2), SoDec (Level 4, Bluebird), SAFE-Energy (Level 4, Bluebird), EDA (Level 4, Nightingale)
- Reception (Level 4, Oriole)
- Main conference (Level 3, Galleria Ballroom)
- Banquet (Level 3, Galleria Ballroom)
EnergySP @ Level 4, Canary 1
Keynote: Advancing Cybersecurity in Utility Operations: Practical Challenges and Solutions
Yu Ming (Power Automation Pte Ltd)
EnergiPay: Off-chain Payment Channel for Blockchain-enabled Peer-to-peer Energy Trading
Sid Chi-Kin Chau, Nan Wang, Samuel Karumba (CSIRO Data61)
Two-step Blackout Mitigation by Flexibility-Enabled Microgrid Islanding
Philipp Danner, Anna Volkova, Hermann de Meer (Univ. of Passau)
Attacking Learning-based Models in Smart Grids: Current Challenges and New Frontiers
Gustavo Sánchez, Ghada Elbez, Veit Hagenmeyer (KIT)
T-IDS: A Thermal-Model-based Intrusion Detection System for Wind Turbines
Ngoc Que Anh Tran, Liang He (Univ. of Colorado Denver)
Ultra-Low Latency User-Plane Cyberattack Detection in SDN-based Smart Grids
Aristide Tanty-Junior Akang (IMDEA Networks Institute and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid); Michele Gucciardo, Marco Fiore (IMDEA Networks Institute)
Systematic Study of Cybersecurity Threats for Smart Inverters
Samuel Karumba, Sid Chi-Kin Chau (CSIRO Data61); Hammond Pearce (UNSW); Mohi Ahmed, Helge Janicke (Edith Cowan Univ.)
Privacy-Preserving Control of Partitioned Energy Resources
Evan Laufer (Stanford Univ.); Philip Levis (Stanford Univ. and Google); Ram Rajagopal (Stanford Univ.)
Appliance Ownership Prediction With Smart Meter Data
Anmol Saraf, Anupama Kowli (IIT Bombay)
Privacy Protection in Collaborative Geographically Distributed Co-Simulation of Multimodal Energy Systems
Alexander Kocher, Jovana Kovačević, Anne-Christin Süß (KIT); Can Berk Saner (NUS); Burak Dindar (KIT); Md Amimul Ehsan (UNC at Charlotte); Hüseyin K. Çakmak, Veit Hagenmeyer (KIT)
Can Private LLM Agents Synthesize Household Energy Consumption Data?
Mahathir Almashor, Yusuke Miyashita, Sam West, Thi Van Dai Dong (CSIRO Energy)
A Convergence Predictor Model for Consensus-based Decentralised Energy Markets
Parikshit Pareek (Los Alamos National Laboratory); L. P. Mohasha Isuru Sampath (IHPC, A*STAR); Hung D. Nguyen, Eddy Y. S. Foo (NTU)
Substation Simulation Synchronization - Towards a Distributed and Scaled Power Grid Cyber Range
Jit Biswas, Revati Godse, Binbin Chen (SUTD); Muhammad M. Roomi, Bennet Ng (Illinois ARCS)
Panel Discussion: How to Make a Bigger Impact in Cybersecurity with Energy Regulators and Industry?
E2DC @ Level 4, Canary 2
Keynote: Fostering Resilience and Innovation in Data Centers: Embracing Next-Generation Cooling and Sustainable Architectures for the AI Era
Poh Seng Lee (National University of Singapore)
Immersion cooled, solid oxide fuel cell powered Edge data center with heat recovery
Jonas Gustafsson, Jon Summers (RISE), Joaquim Romaní, Santiago Escudero (IREC)
AI and Digital Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future: A Tale of Twin Transition
Yonggang Wen (College of Computing and Data Science, NTU)
Direct Liquid Immersion Cooling in Thermal Management of Data Center
Fei Duan (School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineerin, NTU)
Design of Efficient and Transparent Schedulers for Deep Learning Datacenters
Tianwei Zhang (College of Computing and Data Science, NTU)
Data Center CO2 emissions are still not a currency! The desire for a uniform methodical implementation of the life cycle assessment of waste heat utilization in data centers
Gunnar Schomaker (Universität Paderborn)
Models and simulation software for analysis and optimisation of data centers waste heat re-use potential
Ariel Oleksiak (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)
Metrics for Data Center Sustainability
Jon Summers (RISE)
Automation of data center airflow and heat transfer analysis for transient scenario
W. Szeliga, A. Oleksiak (PSNC) R. Roszak (PUT)
An Optimization Approach for Selection and Deployment of Energy-Efficient Servers in Green Data Centers
Duc Van Le and Rui Tan (NTU)
Hybrid Heterogeneous Clusters Can Lower the Energy Consumption of LLM Inference Workloads
Grant Wilkins, Richard Mortier (University of Cambridge), Srinivasan Keshav (University of Cambridge, University of Waterloo)
SoDec @ Level 4, Bluebird
Introductory remarks: SODEC
Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Keynote Talk
Uncertainty-Aware Carbon Optimization in Cloud Computing
Yi Ding (Purdue University)
Energy-Saving Strategies for Air-Cooled Tropical Data Centers: Key Issues and Assessment
Jing Zhou, Baris Burak Kanbur, Duc Van Le, Rui Tan, Fei Duan (Nanyang Technological University)
A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Method for Solving a Sustainable and Practical Vehicle Routing Problem
Arash Mozhdehi, Mahdi Mohammadizadeh, Xin Wang (University of Calgary)
Learning-enabled hybrid modeling and economic predictive control of carbon capture process for ship decarbonization
Xuewen Zhang, Kuniadi Wandy Huang, Dat-Nguyen Vo, Minghao Han (Nanyang Technological University), Benjamin Decardi-Nelson (Cornell University), Xunyuan Yin (Nanyang Technological University)
Solving Stochastic AC-OPF by Neural Networks
Min Zhou, Enming Liang, Minghua Chen (City University of Hong Kong), Steven H. Low (Caltech)
Feasibility Study and Machine Learning-based Optimization for Shipboard CO2 Capture Leveraging Available Energy Sources
Dat-Nguyen Vo, Xuewen Zhang, Kuniadi Wandy Huang, Xunyuan Yin (Nanyang Technological University)
SAFE-Energy @ Level 4, Bluebird
Introductory remarks: SAFE-ENERGY
Clayton Miller (National University of Singapore)
Safety of machine learning and data acquisition for urban analytics and GeoAI
Matias Quintana (Singapore-ETH Centre)
On interpretable and explainable machine learning for urban building energy modeling and calibration
Yu Qian Ang (NUS), Nan Ma, Ming Yan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Explainable Home Energy Management Systems based on Reinforcement Learning using Differentiable Decision Trees
Gargya Gokhale (Ghent University, IMEC), Bert Claessens (, Chris Develder (Ghent University, IMEC)
Keynote: Data or Algorithms: Reliability and Interpretability of Machine Learning in Building Load Forecasting
Maomao Hu (National University of Singapore)
Beyond empirical risk: testing data-driven energy models in sparse and biased data regimes
Hussain Kazmi (KUL), Attila Balint (KUL), Fuyang Jiang (KUL), Jilles De Blauwe (DTU), Fahad Mehmood (EM Normandie)
Panel discussion: On the trustworthiness and safety of machine learning models in regulated energy settings, and how to get there.
EDA @ Level 4, Nightingale
Keynote: NFDI4Energy - National Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy System Research
Sebastian Lehnhoff (Univ. of Oldenburg)
Intrinsic Explainable Artificial Intelligence Using Trainable Spatial Weightson Numerical Weather Predictions
Oliver Neumann, Maximilian Beichter, Benedikt Heidrich, Nils Friederich, Veit Hagenmeyer, Ralf Mikut (KIT)
PaSTS An Operational Dataset for Domestic Solar Thermal Systems
Florian Ebmeier, Nicole Ludwig, Georg Martius, Volker Franz (Univ. of Tübingen)
Predicting grid frequency short-term dynamics with Gaussian processes and sequence modeling
Bolin Liu (KIT), Maximilian Coblenz (Ludwigshafen Univ. of Business and Society), Oliver Grothe (KIT)
Untangling Carbon-free Energy Attribution and Carbon Intensity Estimation for Carbon-aware Computing
Diptyaroop Maji (UMass Amherst), Noman Bashir (MIT), David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Ramesh K. Sitaraman (UMass Amherst)
Improving Reduced-Order Building Modeling: Integration of Occupant Patterns for Reducing Energy Consumption
Jovana Kovačević, Chang Li, Kevin Förderer, Hüseyin K. Çakmak, Veit Hagenmeyer (KIT)
Comparability and Reproducibility in HPC Applications’ Energy Consumption Characterization
Tom Hilgers, Radita Liem (RWTH Aachen)
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