A Flexible and Holistic Multi-Agent Framework for Local Energy Aggregation Approaches

Michael Bettermann (University of Passau); Hermann de Meer (University of Passau)


The rise of distributed energy generation and storage as well as the growing shift from a centralised to a decentralised energy system is creating new opportunities, but also introduces new challenges for various entities in the electricity sector. For instance, while the increase of distributed energy resources decreases the dependency on external energy providers, responsibilities for a safe power grid operation, e.g., grid balancing, are shifted more and more to the distribution network. This shift results in an increasing interest in local aggregation approaches, where a set of entities such as energy storage, consumers, infrastructure provider etc., work together to achieve a common goal such as consumer cost minimisation, while still operating the power grid in a safe manner. To design a local aggregation approach, which properly coordinates entities in the electricity sector and adheres to each stakeholder’s needs, a flexible and comprehensive model needs to be established. This paper develops a multi-agent framework by utilising the first two layers of the smart grid architecture model, deriving agents from the identified goals and interactions between stakeholders, and embeds these agents in a holistic model of a general local aggregation approach.